Currency - Answers
1. Convert 2150 € into rubles.
2. Convert 376,50 £ into Euros.
3. The tourist had left 400 £ from a holiday trip which he wanted to convert back into euros. How much euros does the tourist get?
4. The tourist returns from Mauritius with 12 450 rupees. The purchase price of the rupee is 41,2875 and the selling price is 35,4319. He wants to exchange rupees for euros. The currency exchange point charges a delivery fee of 2,50 € for currency exchange. How much euros does a tourist get?
after which the currency exchange fee is taken into account
5. The tourist bought 10 000 Russian rubles. How much euro is needed for currency exchange?
The bank has sold rubles to the tourist, so the selling rate is used.
6. The exchange rate of the Japanese yen was 105,81 in June and 132,11 in December. By what percentage had the euro revalued against the Japanese yen?
Revaluation rate 24,9%
7. The tourist bought 1050 NOK in traveller's checks. The bank charged an exchange fee of 5,00 € and 1,5% of the value of the travelers' checks. How many euros did the tourist have to give to the bank?
First, we find the value of the traveler's checks in euros - the bank sells the krones to the tourist.
The bank charges 1,5% of the value
and a 5,00 € exchange fee.
The tourist must therefore use
8. The exchange rate for the Turkish lira was 0,1663 €. What was the exchange rate of the euro in lira?
9. Which of the following options is correct? When the euro devalues,
A) a tourist receives more foreign currency in the same amount of euros than before
B) products in the destination country are more expensive
C) products in the destination country are cheaper
D) prices of imported products are falling
10. Which of the following options is correct? When the euro revalues,
A) a tourist receives less foreign currency in the same amount of euros than before
B) products purchased as souvenirs in the destination country are more expensive
C) souvenir prices are falling
D) the prices of domestic products are cheaper for foreigners